Foster Cats
To keep Kaylee company, we fostered cats in Vermont. Stella stayed with us three weeks before she was adopted. We still miss that fluffy, soft kitten with the longest tail ever! Kaylee couldn’t stand her. Next was a mother-daughter pair of shy cats, Minnie and Daisy. Kaylee couldn’t stand them, either.

Neighbor Cats
We have run into many cats on our travels, especially in Puerto Rico! Some nights they wake us up yowling. Some come to the door.

Needless to say, Kaylee is not interested in any visiting cats.
The Doppelganger
A neighboring cat in Ludlow, VT, named Georgia pays a call in our yard now and then. She’s a Russian Blue who looks exactly like Ellie, minus the white chest and paws. Here she is outside, and in her home.