Exploring Chichén Itzá and Valladolid

The archaeological site Chichén Itzá in the Yucatan Peninsula is one of the most visited locations in Mexico, so of course we climbed aboard a bus during our Cancún visit and headed there for a day. 

Rich in history and the center of pilgrimage for the ancient Maya civilization for over 1,000 years, this pyramid must be seen to be believed. Chichen Itza was classified as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and in 1988 was enlisted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lisa actually climbed up the steep steps to the top when she visited in the late 80s, but tourists are no longer allowed to get that close. Good thing, too. It’s steep!

On the way back to Cancun, we enjoyed a short visit to the magical city of Valladolid (pronounced Vah-YAH-Doh-Leed), which had a lively town plaza featuring Mayan dance, sport, and music, as well as a beautiful cathedral, and earsplitting birds!


Chichen Itza Tourism 
New 7 Wonders
UNESCO World Heritage 

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