

I just left my office at Evergreen Park and Rec District for the last for the last time. I feel really sad. There’s a pain in my stomach. 

I’ve never before left a job that I still loved.

Last night there was a farewell party for me. I had to get a picture with everyone I cared about – Liz and Laura and Marissa and Ann Marie and Heart and Heather and Jason and more. Before I left today,  I printed out some of the pictures, wrote personal notes, and left them on their desks — just saying thanks for making work here such a wonderful experience. I hope I will be remembered with affection!

Then I drove (choking back tears) out of lovely Evergreen, with its elk and its mountains, its iconic lake and its charming old west downtown, and hundreds of familiar faces, many of which I will never see again.

I know I’m going forward to the next adventure, and the next phase of my life. But wow. I have to get through all this emotion first.

There’s no getting out of it. I just have to feel it.

The building where I worked for 6 1/2 years

My office

The Lunch Bunch

Laura and me

Ann Marie and me

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